Google Ads

Reach qualified leads on the biggest Search Engine Platform with our team of Google Ads Experts through Paid Advertising Services.

Our Approach to Google Ads

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Google Search Ads are one of the best ways to get in front of people who are ready to buy. We lead you straight to the people who are already looking for what you offer. With our expertise, we create targeted ads that appear at the perfect moment, whether someone is searching for products like yours or browsing related sites. This means more visibility, more clicks, and more customers for your business. Let us handle the complexity of Google Ads, so you can focus on what you do best – serving your customers.

What You Can Expect

We start by learning about what you have done in the past; what has worked and what hasn’t. We walk you through the outcomes of Google Ads and determine what your goals are. Each Ad Campaign is unique, and we want to tailor your Ads specifically to your needs. If we know what your goals are, we can properly run ads in the most efficient way, getting you the results you’re looking for.

Google Ads Goals and Audit - schulze creative

Google Ads Goals & Audit

With your goals in mind, our Google Ads experts create a detailed Keyword plan for your campaign. We find a mix of the obvious keywords you want to rank for, as well as longer-tailed keywords that you may not have thought of. Some keywords are more expensive than others, so we keep your budget in mind while creating a perfect list of keywords.

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Keyword Research

With our list of Keywords in hand, we are ready to make the Ad Creative. Our Ads are customer-centered, so when your customers read our ads they feel eager to click and take the next step. We go through multiple revisions with you so your Google Ads will reflect the heart and vision of your business. We set up conversion tracking so we know exactly where your customers come from.

Google Ad creative - schulze creative

Google Ad Creative

This is where the fun starts! Your Google Ads are running at full steam, and we are monitoring them every day. Each day we revisit and optimize your keywords, to make sure your ad is performing at its best. We send out monthly reports so you know exactly what is happening within your ads, and how they align with our original goals. Let the leads roll in!

Google ad reporting - schulze creative

Google Ad Reporting

Get More Leads Coming in Through Google Ads Today.


  • Google Ads is an online advertising platform where businesses can create ads that show up in Google search results and on other websites. It helps attract potential customers who are looking for products or services like yours.

  • Google Ads works by targeting keywords related to your business. When people search for those keywords, your ad appears, and you pay only when someone clicks on it.

  • The cost of Google Ads depends on your budget and the competitiveness of your keywords. You can set a daily budget to control your spending.

  • Keywords are the words or phrases people use when searching online. By choosing the right keywords, your ads will show up to the right audience.

  • Start by thinking about what terms your potential customers might use to find your products or services. You can also use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner to find popular keywords.

  • Quality Score is a rating Google gives your ads based on their relevance and the quality of your landing page. A higher Quality Score can lower your costs and improve your ad's position.

  • Yes, Google Ads allows you to target specific geographic areas. This means your ads can show up to people in certain cities, regions, or countries.

  • You can measure success by tracking metrics like clicks, impressions, and conversions. Google Ads provides detailed reports to help you see how well your ads are performing.

  • A conversion is when someone takes a desired action on your website after clicking on your ad, like making a purchase or filling out a contact form. Tracking conversions helps you see the real impact of your ads.